Project Triangle

Project Triangle was launched by TDSP on Oct. 24th, 2023, as a response to the horrific events of Oct. 7th, 2023. Project Triangle unites school, parents, and students in working on Shemiras Halashon- proper speech.


Each family and staff member received a beautiful gift bag containing a copy of the sefer Learn Hilchos Lashon Hara in just 3 minutes a day as well as a calendar which spans through the duration of the school year. Each lesson takes only 3 minutes to learn. The sefer will be completed by the end of the school year by learning only 3 times a week.


Families are expected to learn the sefer with their families at home, at whatever time is most practical for them, while keeping to the general schedule of 3 lessons 3 times a week. Some families prefer to learn at the dinner table, while others may find the living room more suitable. Many families learn during weeknights, and others enhance their Shabbos table with Project Triangle. However you fit Project Triangle into the geometry of your life- it will surely enhance your relationships and elevate your love for your fellow Jews. 


We hope that our learning and growth will be a source of merit for the Jewish people.

  • Sign up and registration link coming soon!
  • To request a gift bag with the sefer Learn Hilchos Lashon Hara in just 3 minutes a day and calendar, please contact us here Project Triangle.

For more information, please reach out to our Programs Director, Rabbi Ezi Vann at Project Triangle

Rabbi Ephraim Eliyahu Shapiro of Shaaray Tefillah, North Miami Beach, FL, launched the program with a powerful explanation of the significance of Shemiras Halashon and its close connection to the issue of how to respond to our most recent tragedies. (see below for a video recording of the launch event).


Click here for more on Shemiras Halashon from the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation